The tricks for road trips

The holidays are coming up, which means the dreaded road trip is also upon us. Here we’ve come up with some great tips to keep the whole car happy:

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  • Break the journey into intervals. Young children can get very restless sitting in the back seat for long periods. Split the trip up in manageable sections, planning spots along the way for a lunch break, visit to a playground or a stop at a local tourist attraction.

  • Research interesting locations. Are there any landmarks along the way? A Big Thing, special view or sculpture can be a something to watch for out the windows or a great excuse to get out of the car and stretch your legs.

  • Bring loads of snacks. Generally, there aren’t many options for buying healthy food at freeway truck stops. Avoid fast food restaurants by packing a lunch and snacks ahead of time. Putting snacks in mini containers or small bags will keep the hunger pains at bay and also keep those in the back seat entertained.

  • Keep spare clothes, wipes and tissues close at hand. The back seat can get very messy, especially if children are eating. It’s likely something will spill over a car seat or get smeared over a window. Having easy access to tissues, wipes and another set of clothes can help things nice. You don’t want to be digging through the boot to find a dry t-shirt on the side of a freeway.

  • Come up with some attention-grabbing games. Older children can get involved in I Spy or letter games using number plates, while younger children can be entertained searching for farm animals or cars in a particular colour.

  • Make sure baby is comfortable. If you are travelling with an infant our Organics Travel Nestis perfect for the car seat. It provides a snug, cozy environment when out and about. When you’re not in the car, the Travel Nest can be unzipped to provide a comfortable mat for baby to lie on.

If you’ve got any great road trip tips, make sure you let us know about them.
