Meet our Earlybird of the Month

Earlybird Premmie of the Month for April is the adorable Xavier, who was born three months premature to parents Anna and Peter.

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Xavier was born at the Royal Hospital for Women at Randwick and was immediately transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Despite his very early arrival, Xavier was a healthy weight for a 26—week old.
“We took comfort in hearing his birthweight was actually very healthy,” Anna said.
“However, I still remember feeling overwhelmed by beeping machines, breathing tubes and a flurry of activity from nurses and doctors.”

In 2010, Xavier spent 11 weeks in the NICU and was welcomed home two weeks before his original due date.

“Xavier spent six weeks in a humidicrib and seven weeks on breathing machines,” she said.  “This made us very aware that the latest and very best in neonatal care were vital for him.”

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This year Anna and Pete will run the Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon with the [Running for Premature Babies]( to raise funds for NICU equipment at the Royal Hospital for Women. Anna and Peter joined Running for Premature Babies as a way of thanking those who helped provide the equipment that saved their earlybird.

Xavier is now four and half years old and is a big brother to 2 year old Samson.

For more information about how to join Running for Premature Babies or more about Xavier’s story, please visit:
